Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Kennedy Space Center

We thought since we live here, we should actually go and
check it out.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

We got sandcastle skills

Birthday Party fun

Ryan's 4th B-day

We celebrated this year by getting a hotel room on Daytona Beach & having the
party there. Not a bad idea at all!!

Hey, Ryan's four

Ryan showing off his latest gang sign.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lindsey- professional race car driver

okay, more like go-carts, but she's good!

meet our ccc youth!!

This pile of humans is who i get to hang with a lot. I am so proud that
i taught them this human pyramid. I think one guy broke a rib.

Football Game Buddies

When UCF played USF, I had to taunt my brother- that's what brothers do!
yeah, we lost! but it still felt good to taunt him.