Friday, April 20, 2007

Okay I love Pyramids

I recently got to visit Mexico City, to take a look at a possible future site for our student missions trip. I think it would be a great fit for our church and we could play capture the flag on these pyramids, which would be a great hit!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Our Easter Gang

This is one family that has lots to celebrate!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Easter Buddies

Two peas in a pod

Visit from Nonna & Pop Pop

One of the hightlights of Easter is the chance to be with family, so we were delighted to have the Salvia's with us for a few days. Lindsey & Ryan were pleased as well (can u tell?)

Lindsey' new ride

yes, turning six also requires an upgrade
to your ride, so Lindsey did "Pimp her ride"
with a new bike

Hi Chuck!

Momma J & Ryan got to meet the real
Chuck-E-Cheese, as did Lindsey, Granddaddy & Mommy!

Lindsey say "Ahhhhhh"

We also had another birthday celebration at
Chuck-E-Cheese, on her actual birthday, with yet another cake- this time an "Ariel" cake.

Lindsey Bowling Party

Yes, we had Lindsey's 6th surprise birthday party at our local bowling alley. We had a special Lindsey bowling league & as you can see they went home as champs!

Easter & Lindsey's 6th Birthday

The Gordon clan hanging out with Mr. Salvia (aka Pop-Pop)