Tuesday, December 26, 2006

X-mas fun

Lindsey and Chloe

Lindsey and Santa

yes, santa I want that American girl doll!

Our American Girl

Lindsey scored a whole bunch of items for her American girl, whose name is Chloe, including a closet just for her stuff.

Father & Son hanging out

X-mas morning in Naples

Double Trouble

Teamwork is key for this x-mas present

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Trey going camel style

Trey in Egypt this past November

I got the chance to go to Egypt with 7 other youth pastors to help train 70 Egyptian youth leaders with Reach Out Youth Solutions. It was an amazing trip, which I am greatful for getting a chance to go.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Our newest edition to the Gordon clan: Lily

Back to the baby stage once again. Lily is our latest Rat Terrier, after the tragic death of Abby.